знайди книгу для душі...
Lamb H. "The March of Moskovy 1400–1648". N.Y. 1948.
Lane A.B. "I Saw Poland Betrayed". N.Y. 1948.
Lane M. "Rush to Judgement".
Langres L. "Les Societes Secretes en Allemange". Paris. 1819.
Lansing R. "The Peace Negotiations". N.Y. 1921.
"War Memoires". N.Y. 1935.
Lasky V. "J.F.K. the Man and the Myth". N.Y. 1963.
Lavine H. "War Propagands and USA". New Haven. 1940.
Ledre C. "La Masoneria". Andorra. 1958.
Leese A. "Gentile Folly".
"The Jewish War of Survival". N.Y. 1947.
Le Forestier. "Les Illumines de Baviere".
Lemann A. "L'Entree des Juifs dans la Societe Francaise".
Levi E. "Dogme et Rituel de la Haunte Magie". Paris. 1861.
"Histoire de la Magia". Paris. 1859.
Levinthal I. "Judaism". N.Y. 1935.
Levy H. "Jews and the National Question". London. 1958.
Lewishn L. "Israil". N.Y. 1926.
Lichtenberg H. "The Third Reich". N.Y. 1947.
Lilienthal A.M. "The Other Side of the Coin".
"There Goes the Middle East". N.Y. 1957.
"What Price Israel". Chicago. 1953.
Lipmann W. "The Public Psychology".
Litson A. "The Banking Cospiracy".
Liu F.F. "A Military History of Modern China 1924–1949". Princeton. 1956.
Lochner L.P. (edit.) "The Goebbel's Diaries 1941–43". N.Y. 1948.
Loiseleur J. "La doctrine secret des Templiers". Paris. 1872.
Lord W. "The Day of Infamy". N.Y. 1947.
Lukacs J.A. "The History of the Cold War". N.Y. 1961.
Lunberg F. "American Sixty Families".
Luther M. "The Jews and Their Lies". Los Angeles. 1948.
Lyons E. "Assignment in Utopia". N.Y. 1928.
MacArthur D. "Reminiscences".
Mackinder H.J. "Democratic Ideals and Reality". London. 1919.
MacLeod G. "Money". Glasgow. 1963.
Mallan L. "Big Red Lie". N.Y. 1959.
Manly C. "UN Record". Chicago. 1955.
Manuel F.E. "The Realities of American-Palestine Relations".
Mar D. "History of Money".
Margiotta D. "Adriano Lemmi".
Margoline A.D. "Jews in Eastern Europe". N.Y. 1926.
Margoliouht M. "The History of the Jews in Great Britain". London.
Mark J. "The Modern Idolatry". London. 1934.
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Marshalko L. "The World Conquerora". London. 1958.
Marsden V. "The Protocols of Zion".
Martovych C. "100 Years of Russian March to World Conquest". Edinburg. 1953.
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"A World Without Jews". N.Y. 1959.
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Master Mason. "Freemasonry: Its Pretensions Exposed". N.Y. 1828.
Mazour A.G. "Russia Tsarist and Communist". N.Y. 1962.
McCarran M.P. "Fabianism in the Political Life of Britain". Chicago.
McCarthy J. "America's Retrest From Victory". N.Y. 1952.
"The Fight for America".
"Treason in Washington".
Mears H. "Mirror for Americans; Japan". Boston. 1948.
Mehner K. "Stalin Versus Marx". London. 1952.
Meinertzhagen R. "Middle East Diary". London. 1959.
Meinvielle J. "El Judio en el misterio de la Historia". Buenos Aires 1959.
Menuhin M. "The Decadence of Judaism".
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Meurin L. "Filosogia de la Masoneria". Buenos Aires. 1954.
Meyer F.S. "The Moulding of Communism". N.Y. 1961.
Meyer M. "Jew and Non-Jew".
Michelet J. "Proces des Templiers". Paris. 1841.
Miksche F.O. "Unconditional Surrender". London. 1952.
Milman H.H. "History of the Jews".
Millis W. "Road to War". Boston. 1935.
Mills H.T. "Money, Politics and the Future".
Mills C.W. "The Power Elite". Oxford. 1956.
Milosz C. "Captive Mind".
Mirabeau H. "Memoires". Paris. 1834.
"Sur la Reform politique des Juifs". Paris. 1787.
Moellering R.L. "Modern War and the American Churches". N.Y. 1957.
Monat P. "Spy in the USA".
Montgomery Lord. "Memoires".
Morgan C. "Liberties of the Mind".
Morton F. "The Rothschilds". N.Y. 1963.
Mousseaux G. "Le Juif, le Judaisme et la Judaisation des Peuples Chretiens". Paris. 1886.
Mowery E. "HUAC and FBI". N.Y. 1961.
Mullins E. "History of the Jews".
Munson L.H. (edit.) "For the Sceptic". N.Y. 1959.
Muralt L. "From Versailles to Potsdam". Chicago. 1948.
Murchin M.G. "Britain's Jewish Problem". London.
Mussolini B. "The Corporative State". Firenzo. 1936.
Neilson F. "The Churchill Legend". Appleton. 1954.
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